Resilio Inc. ئاپەکان

Resilio Connect Agent 2.7.3
Resilio Inc.
Your business does not tolerate failure and fortunately withResilio Connect, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with themost fault-tolerant solution in the market. Resilio Connectimproves client management by providing reliable file transfer overunreliable networks and overcoming the inherent scaling limitationsof centralized data centers when delivering data to many endpoints.Built on the same peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol powering Sync,Resilio Connect taps the power of underutilized infrastructure anddelivers the fastest speeds, scaling to thousands of nodes, TBs ofdata, and millions of individual files. Easy To Use • 99.9%reliability with no single point of failure • Works over anynetwork, with any latency, and any packet drop • Automaticallyrecovers from network and device availability failures and resumestransmission from the point of failure Keep Your Data Private &Secure • Trusted by leading 100s of organizations to transfersensitive data • Managed and automated file workflows withend-to-end encrypted transfers. • Files move directly betweenclients – no data lives in the cloud. • There are no passwords tobe compromised – all security is cryptographic Distribute Files atThe Speed Of Light • Speeds up to multi Gb/s over WAN or LAN.Multiple times faster than centralized file transfer systems •Peer-to-Peer protocol allows each client to act as a file serverfor others, allowing shared access to files without a centralserver. This reduces costs, saves time and bandwidth and improvesreliability • Clients don’t need a whole file to participate intransmission: a single block is sufficient Scale to Any Demand •Easy to install with a single app and no external dependencies •Central management console allows for complete control of allResilio Connect agents in the environment • Dashboard monitors thedeployments and status of clients and devices • Works seamlesslyacross networks, VPNs, and firewalls You Can Rely On Us • Connectis optimized and scalable to thousands of clients and 1M+ files •Scalable to all devices including those with limited power • Smartlogic behind peer to peer networks eliminates the need to controlevery link between clients By downloading or using this app, youagree to the Terms of Use:(, Privacy Policy( and End User LicenseAgreement (
Resilio Sync 2.8.1
Resilio Inc.
Sync lets you transfer files directly from device to device. Sharephotos, videos, docs without storage limits: our technology worksespecially well with huge files. Create your own private cloud.Connect devices and sync files securely between your Mac, PC, NAS,and even server. Use Sync on your mobile to access the files youkeep on your home computer or work laptop. Sync encrypts all filesduring transfer and never stores any of your information onthird-party servers. This means your data is protected againstidentity theft or attacks. No storage limits • Sync as much data asyou have on your hard drive or SD card. • Add large files of anysize to your synced folders and transfer them up to 16x faster thanthe cloud. Automatic camera backup • Sync will back up photos andvideos as soon as you take them. • You can then delete photos fromyour phone and save space. • Set up backup of any info from yourphone to a folder on your computer. Any device and platform •Access folders and upload files to your tablet, PC, Mac, NAS, andeven server from anywhere. One Time Send • The fastest and mostprivate way to send files to friends and family. • Send one or morefiles to multiple recipients without sharing the whole folder orcreating a permanent sync connection. • Send photos, videos,movies, or any other large file directly to friends. Directtransfers, no cloud • Your information is never stored on serversin the cloud, so nobody can access it without your permission. •Transfer files directly and fast using BitTorrent peer-to-peertechnology (p2p). • Connect two devices by taking picture of a QRcode, even if you are in local network without internet connection.Save space • Selective Sync lets you save only the files you need.• Clear synced files to free up space on your device. Supports allfile types • Sync photos, videos, music, PDFs, docs and bookslibrary to your Android phone or tablet. To get the bestperformance and to avoid running up your data charges while syncingfolders, we recommend leaving the "Use Cellular Data" setting off.Note: Resilio Sync is a personal file syncing manager. It is notcompatible with torrent file sharing applications.